Are you interested on LoL? Let me explain you something about League of Legends Game. In 2018, multiple gaming platforms have initiated their plans in order to reach out to more users from all over the world; League of Legends is, absolutely, and by no means, an exception. The popular game, League of Legends, released its latest “Odyssey” mode alongside a bundle of new skins and features that are aimed to lure in more players from different countries. And with the latest women’s rights issue the League of Legends company came across, it’s crystal clear that the platform is seeking to redeem the situation and the company’s reputation by taking careful and strategic steps towards presenting a good image of Riot Games in general.
Over the last couple of weeks, Riot Games started a collaboration with the Dutch blood bank, Sanquin, in their efforts to encourage more people to support the blood donation campaign initiated by Sanquin which fortunately garnered more than 340000 donors.
Benefiting from the extreme popularity of League of Legends and its increasing base of gamers from various countries, Sanquin, with the aid of Riot Games, presented a donor recruitment campaign to the gamers of the online gaming platform. The goals of the campaign revolve around two main pillars: the first is to increase the awareness of the blood donating campaigns available at the time in order to save more lives; and the second is to garner more support for the Sanquin blood bank from the huge base of online gamers.
Of course, the partnership between the two parties aims to put the grand users base of the game to good use; Sanguin, cleverly, addresses the gamer of League of Legends by stating that the support for the blood donation campaign is going to save one more person who deserves to see tomorrow, and whether the gamer chooses to participate in the blood donation process or not, when a selfie of the user at the tests center of Sanquin is shared, he is rewarded a “Blood Moon” skin for the game’s viral character, Thresh, as a sort of encouragement to further participate in the important campaign.
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👉https://t.co/bVVIXb7P7Q pic.twitter.com/x8Zyas7fLF— League of Legends 🥳 (@LeagueOfLegends) September 25, 2019
Thankfully, it’s reported that more than 350 blood donors have joined the Sanquin team, which consequently, means that more lives are being preserved at the moment. The users base of League of Legends has definitely played a major part in attracting more donors via the latest campaign that is planned to stick around til the end of the year. Hopefully, My First Blood – the campaign’s name – will garner more people in the upcoming months as Sanquin stated that youngsters and young adults will surely exert their best efforts to spread and increase awareness of the importance of blood donation using their influences on the online platform.
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